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performance for camera & site-specific performance

2. Georgiou, the no of all nothing, 2022, video.JPG

“the no of all nothing” (2022)

Performance For Camera



I’ve been interested in the artist’s perspective on the aging of not only the body, but the aging and evolution of the body’s self-awareness and sensual language. What are we drawn to, as artists, during times of physical and psychological change? How can I present a work identifying the universal and inevitable signals that age activates in art?


I’m interested in the voyeurism, the perversion, and the discomfort of nostalgia in physical memory. At times, my discoveries were thrilling and joyful; at others, I was drawn back into the adolescent ghost-story perspective of a body vulnerable to physics, time, and chaos. Delicate bodies are not simply a test of longevity and health but a statement of environment, status, exposure, autonomy, confidence, and progress.


In “the no of all nothing,” I present the pointlessness and absurdity of my own desire to do something impossible. To complete an extraordinary feat. To walk through a concrete wall. The sound of the ball marked the time as my attempt persisted.


The piece is a competition against myself. An athlete trains with or without a finish line; a dancer trains with or without a performance looming. We repeat the ritual. Perfection is always on the other side of an impossibility.

“MATCH POINT” (2024)

Site-Specific Performance



MATCH POINT is a public performance involving dance, clown, athletics, and interactive elements. Set to the score of Antonio Vivaldi's “The Four Seasons,” this four-part performance follows a group of athletes navigating distinct misinterpretations of the game of tennis. Why tennis? Because the game of tennis is a test of boundaries, a constant give and take of conversation and effort, and a battle between two sides.


In MATCH POINT, the competition is between the athletes and the audience. The rituals are shared and grow. Perfection is achieved, and a winner is crowned, but at what cost?


MATCH POINT was performed at the AURORA Biennial 2024: FuturePresentPast in Dallas, Texas, on November 16, 2024, outside the Dallas Convention Center.

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© Danielle Georgiou 2025

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